Day starts sensational. Gruesa in direction airport is a very nice one today and also backwards. Around 2 hours after the start I am almost back to Iquique. At lands end it looks fine too, so what better day could happen for a new triangle record ? I fly on to Punta Guaneras for my next decision. There it looks fine and I can overfly it into the next bay to Punta Almacenes. At this moment I am not really sure, if I have enlarged my former record triangle already, but decide to turn around, as I have turned on my first waypoint closer to the airport than usual and it should be enough for a record triangle. Coming back around Punta Guaneras is not to hard and I proceed back towards Iquique. The following two corners to Punta Colorado remind me of my thoughts, when flying on my last record triangle flight there, to never fly this again and I can really feel the same way again. But thanks to the possibilities of my wing against the windy corners out of the leesides and my good nerves I overcome both corners. Finally before lands end I am already flying above the highest peaks of the costal ridge and at the little peak, where I usually get the altitude, that enables me, to pass lands end from the north, I get additional height. Finally overflying lands end is plain airliner style and I never did it so high, so calm, so superior, like on this day. Now of course I regret, not to have added one more bay to the triangle ( Punta Ballena ), but more years will come and two more bays will be a key point anyway, because overflying Punta Ballena out of Calheta Buena may be impossible on most days of the year. Putting the flight into Xcontest proves, that it is the largest triangle ever, flown by a paraglider in chile - very much because of a fantastic weather.